A Few Updates

First, Steven from FJB and I recorded our latest Natmosphere in Your Ear podcast where we talked in detail about the Nationals organizational structure (prior to the DiPuglia news).

Regarding the DiPuglia news … Melissa Segura of CNNSI was the first to report the news “Boston Red Sox Latin American coordinator Johnny DiPuglia accepted a position as the Nationals director of international operations.” Based upon Segura’s reporting, this sounds like a very promising hire. Having an actual person named International Scouting Director is critical for the Nationals. The next step is naming an Assistant Director for the Pacific Rim (at minimum).

Given the news and responding to the comments, I have updated the Org Chart from yesterday. I have moved PD under Boone and Baseball Ops under Galbreath … for now. I still think that Roy Clark will have some oversight of Player Development and some say into Baseball Operations, hence the lines from Clark to those areas.

Hopefully we will get some official word from the Nationals regarding the roles of Clark, DiPuglia and Kris Kline.

  1. #1 by estuartj - October 15th, 2009 at 11:28

    Cox’ un-official title may be “Little Stan”.

  2. #2 by cjrugger - October 15th, 2009 at 13:37

    says DiPuglia, 46. “But I’m getting older and I thought I should have tried this, to develop something from ground zero.”

    Haha, glad to see he knows what he’s getting himself into. Great signing tho

  3. #3 by hector ramirez - October 15th, 2009 at 21:26

    dipuglia,he was not around went hanley ramirez sign, nothing to do with him or anibal sanchez ,levy ochoa was the scouts for this players, i work for boston in those days,his record his been exxaggerated,no major league league impact player out of latin american in more that 12 years working has scout and he reputation is that bad scout and lazy in south florida ,was with cardinals and fired for lazy so with giants,good luck,they were better candidates,i think buddy system work here,time will tell

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