Recommended Reading

Head over to for two postings:

He has expanded his coverage from his focus on the demise of a certain GM and has produced some good stuff.

  1. #1 by Berndaddy - August 13th, 2008 at 13:40


    Thanks giving us a heads up. I put the site in my favs.

    Jim Bowden has lost of credibility with all the other GM’s. He’s lost it with the fans. He’s lost it with the media. When will the Lerners and Kasten wake up and put the dog down. Yes, take the ball from his hand, Kasten, put it in reliable and responsible hands. The first rounds on me the day we see JimBow gone…

    Brian, yours is the best site for a Nats fan!!!

  2. #2 by Steven - August 13th, 2008 at 15:27

    Thanks for the shout out.

    And I agree with Berndaddy–your site is the class of the Natmosphere by far.

  3. #3 by DJ - August 13th, 2008 at 15:59

    While I agree JimBo should be gone, in fairness to him, he hasn’t worked with the largest budget.

  4. #4 by Berndaddy - August 13th, 2008 at 16:02


    If you give a man a dollar and he swindles it, why give him hundreds? I wouldn’t trust him with a big budget. We’d have a team of Adam Dunn’s.

    My biggest problem with JimBow has to do with his credibility with other GM’s. If they don’t want to talk to you you can make a deal, eh…

  5. #5 by Berndaddy - August 13th, 2008 at 16:03

    Can’t make a deal… (sorry)

  6. #6 by Andrew S. - August 13th, 2008 at 16:23

    DJ, great GMs get seperated from bad GMs on shoestring budgets. See Josh Byrnes, Billy Beane, Larry Beinfest/Michael Hill, John Scheurholz/Frank Wren. Compare them to Bowden, Ricciardi, the previous Pittsburgh general managers, and a few others.

  7. #7 by Andrew S. - August 13th, 2008 at 16:24

    Berndaddy, what’s wrong with a lineup 1-8 (excluding pitcer) where everyone hits 40 homeruns and gets on base at an above average clip.

  8. #8 by Berndaddy - August 13th, 2008 at 16:36

    That’s great Adam Dunn is the NEW Willy Harris…

    Play ball.

  9. #9 by Andrew S. - August 13th, 2008 at 17:21

    What do you mean?

  10. #10 by Berndaddy - August 13th, 2008 at 17:55

    Sorry, there was a long winded joke on NJ about Willie Harris being the cure-all for the Nats, because of he’s hot streak in July.

  11. #11 by John - August 13th, 2008 at 18:10

    Chicago signed Gordan Beckham today. I haven’t seen the bonus or any other details yet, but now the players taken at #8 and #10 have signed. We’ll see if this makes a difference.

  12. #12 by Andrew S. - August 13th, 2008 at 18:33

    Dana Brown sighting in Potomac today.

  13. #13 by Louis J - August 13th, 2008 at 20:25

    If Jim Bowden is so bad and doesn’t get alone with other GM, why does a a very sucessful businessman like Mark Lerner and a very smart baseball man like Stan Kasten keep him around??? Do you folks believe that their dumb or foolish? Or, is it that Bowden is willing to drink the “kool-aid” that the organization is selling.

  14. #14 by Andrew S. - August 13th, 2008 at 21:06

    Stan is too smart to let Bowden stay. I bet he is letting Jim hang himself. Mark on the otherhand seems to be friends with Jim…let’s hope that doesn’t get in the way of good business. Good business means continuing with a new general manager.

  15. #15 by Fake Jim Bowden - August 13th, 2008 at 21:40

    Louis, I can tie a cherry stem into knots using just my tongue.

  16. #16 by Louis J. - August 14th, 2008 at 06:57

    Andrew S Mark Lerner is a very smart business man and doesn’t let friendship stand in the way of his good judgement. If he thought Bowden was a bad GM, he’d be gone by now!!! And, Bowden has done enough things to hang himself already! Again, why do smart people let Bowden stay???

  17. #17 by pahou - August 14th, 2008 at 08:05

    cause he works cheap

  18. #18 by Will - August 14th, 2008 at 10:02

    “Louis J. | 14-Aug-08 at 6:57 am | Permalink

    Andrew S Mark Lerner is a very smart business man and doesn’t let friendship stand in the way of his good judgement.”

    I beg to differ. TED Lerner is a very smart businessman. Mark was just fortunate to be Ted’s son, and landed a sweet position in his daddy’s business.

    Do you know Mark Lerner? You’re sure he doesn’t let frienship get in the way of business? I’ve never met him, but by all accounts, he is not SMART (at least he doesn’t come across as such in interviews).

    Please read this article with several quotes from him in an interview with WaPo. The future of the Nats doesn’t look bright with this guy at the helm:

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